Church Strategic Planning

Our strategic planning services are designed to help your church embark on a transformative journey toward fulfilling its mission, fostering spiritual growth, and making a significant impact on your community. We understand that strategic planning is essential for church.

Service Offerings:

  1. Congregational Assessment:
    We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your congregation’s demographics, spiritual needs, and aspirations. Through surveys, interviews, and discussions, we gather valuable insights into your church’s current state, providing a solid foundation for the strategic planning process.
  2. Mission and Vision Refinement:
    Our experienced consultants work closely with your church leaders and members to refine or develop mission and vision statements that encapsulate your core values and beliefs. These statements serve as guiding lights for all future actions and decisions.
  3. Goal Setting:
    We help your church set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that directly align with your mission and vision. These goals encompass spiritual growth, outreach, discipleship, and other key areas of ministry.
  4. Strategic Initiatives:
    Our consultants assist you in identifying the strategic initiatives required to achieve your established goals. These initiatives may include launching new ministries, improving existing ones, expanding outreach efforts, or investing in technology and infrastructure.
  5. Resource Allocation:
    We guide you in determining the resources needed to support your strategic initiatives, including budget, volunteers, and staff. We help you prioritize these resources based on their importance and potential impact.
  6. Implementation and Monitoring:
    Our team supports you in implementing the plan, delegating responsibilities to church leaders and members. We also provide guidance on regular monitoring to track progress and make adjustments as needed to stay on course.
  7. Evaluation and Feedback:
    Periodically, we assess the effectiveness of your strategic plan and solicit feedback from members and leaders. We help you make informed refinements and adapt the plan to address changing circumstances and emerging opportunities.

Service Benefits:

  1. Inclusivity: We ensure that a diverse group of church members, including leaders, staff, and volunteers, are actively involved in the strategic planning process, fostering a sense of ownership and unity within the congregation.
  2. Spiritual Guidance: We emphasize the spiritual dimension of strategic planning and encourage prayer and discernment to seek divine guidance and wisdom in making decisions.
  3. Flexibility: We understand that flexibility and adaptability are vital in the dynamic environment of a church community, and we help you remain open to adjustments as circumstances change.
  4. Communication: We promote effective communication by clearly articulating the strategic plan to the entire congregation. Transparency and regular updates help create a shared sense of purpose and vision.


These services are designed to empower your congregation to navigate the journey of faith with purpose and vision. By partnering with us, you can develop a strategic plan that not only clarifies your mission and goals but also strengthens the unity and spiritual vitality of your church community. Together, we can build a path toward spiritual growth and a lasting impact on your community. Contact us if you think we can help your church or to find our more information.