The Beginning

Recently, some of you have asked about Titus 1:5 Ministries, and I want to share the story behind it. A couple of years ago, while on a walk and listening to scripture, I was led to Titus. At the time, I was praying about what God wanted me to do next. I knew that a new chapter was beginning as we prepared to move back to Ohio, but I wasn’t sure what that chapter would look like. Then, God spoke clearly to me through Titus 1:5, especially the part about organizing and appointing leaders.

As many of you know, I have been deeply involved in the church. I’ve served as a deacon, taught Sunday classes, and occasionally preached. Most significantly, I’ve led the technology team, where I’ve helped integrate technology into our ministry. This experience has been invaluable, and I believe God is calling me to use it in a new way.

Titus 1:5 Ministries is about bringing all of this experience together to help churches become healthy, growing communities of faith. My goal is twofold:

  1. Technology Mentorship: I want to coach and mentor churches in effectively using technology. From streamlining operations to expanding outreach, technology can be a powerful tool in connecting with and serving our communities.
  2. Leadership Development: I also want to mentor and coach pastors, elders, and deacons, helping them lead and revitalize their churches. My hope is to support these leaders as they work to make their churches beacons of Christ’s love and hope.

If you’re part of a struggling church, are wondering how to elevate your online ministry, or are simply seeking guidance in your walk with Christ, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help, and I’d love to connect with you.