Explaining Giverosity

Embracing Giverosity: A New Approach to Value-Based Pricing in Church Services

In an age where traditional business models are constantly evolving, the concept of “Giverosity” offers a refreshing and compassionate approach to pricing services within the church community. At its core, Giverosity is about aligning financial contributions with the value received while also fostering a spirit of generosity and communal support. This innovative model is particularly relevant in today’s challenging economic climate, where the financial capabilities of congregations can vary widely.

What is Giverosity?

Giverosity is a blend of generosity and value-based pricing tailored specifically for churches. Unlike conventional pricing models, where a fixed fee is set regardless of individual circumstances, Giverosity invites churches to contribute based on two key factors: the value they perceive from the services provided and their financial ability.

Suggested Value Pricing

We begin with what we call suggested value pricing. This price reflects our assessment of the value of the services we provide, be it enhancing the church’s online presence, revitalization services, A/V services, or any other form of support. The suggested value is not a rigid fee but rather a guideline, allowing each church to gauge their own situation and determine what they can contribute.

Trusting God to Provide

At the heart of Giverosity is a deep trust in God’s provision. We believe that God is the ultimate provider and that by placing our faith in Him, He will ensure that both our needs and the needs of the churches we serve are met. This trust allows us to extend grace to those who may not be able to meet the suggested value, knowing that God will move in the hearts of others to give generously.

We trust that as churches prayerfully consider their contributions, they will be guided by the Holy Spirit to give according to their means. This reliance on God’s provision aligns with the biblical principle that God supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). It is this faith that underpins Giverosity and makes it a model of not just financial sustainability but spiritual reliance.

Encouraging Thoughtful Giving

The beauty of Giverosity lies in its flexibility. We understand that each church is unique, with varying resources and financial pressures. Some congregations may be experiencing financial strain, making it difficult to contribute the full suggested value. Others may be more financially secure and capable of giving beyond the suggested amount. Giverosity encourages those who can afford to give more to do so, in order to support those who might not be in a position to contribute as much.

The Power of Community

This model of giving is rooted in the biblical principle of bearing one another’s burdens. When churches with greater financial capacity contribute more, they help ensure that smaller or less financially stable congregations can also benefit from valuable services. This spirit of communal support reflects the early Christian church’s ethos, where resources were shared to meet the needs of all.

A Win-Win Solution

Giverosity is not just about covering costs; it’s about creating a sustainable ecosystem where all churches, regardless of size or financial standing, can access the tools and support they need to thrive. By offering suggested value pricing and encouraging generosity, we can ensure that every church has the opportunity to grow and fulfill its mission.

How It Works

  1. Assessment: We provide a suggested value for the services offered, based on the expertise, time, and resources required.
  2. Contribution: Churches are invited to contribute according to what they can afford and the value they perceive from our services.
  3. Generosity: Those with the means are encouraged to give above the suggested value, helping to offset the cost for churches that may be struggling financially.

The Impact of Giverosity

Giverosity goes beyond simple transactions; it builds a network of churches supporting each other in a very tangible way. By participating in this model, churches not only receive essential services but also contribute to the larger body of Christ. It’s a way of ensuring that no church is left behind, regardless of their financial situation.


In a world where financial pressures can often dictate the level of service a church can receive, Giverosity offers a compassionate alternative. It empowers churches to give according to their means while ensuring that all can benefit from the support they need. By embracing Giverosity, we create a stronger, more resilient church community where generosity and value go hand in hand.

This approach reflects the heart of Christian service—supporting one another, sharing burdens, and ensuring that the blessings we receive are extended to all. At the same time, it embodies a deep trust in God’s provision, reminding us that He is the source of all we have and need. Whether your church is in a position to give more or is seeking to benefit from the generosity of others, Giverosity invites you to participate in a model that reflects the true spirit of the Church: one body, working together for the good of all, under the faithful provision of our Heavenly Father.